What is the Best Material for Exterior Doors?


Exterior entry doors could be heavily exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, rain and moisture. Through the months and years, these environmental elements can then affect the entry door’s appearance and integrity.

What is the best material for exterior doors

As a result, we have to carefully choose a material that provides the best protection. Also, the material should be best suited to the type of environment and climate our house is in. For example, places with extreme weather require sturdy front doors (recommended materials are aluminium and fibreglass). Although timber can also endure, this type of door may require more frequent maintenance than its metal counterparts.

In places that are extra cold, the recommended material is also often metallic. There are also composite materials that can withstand the harsh weather and environmental elements. These composite materials have excellent physical and chemical properties that make them ideal for endurance and longevity (i.e. they went through intense research and development to make an excellent material).

Still, wood doors are popular (and often a safe choice). After all, the coating protects them from harsh elements (similar to how paint protects the underlying metal from corrosion). Even with the widespread availability and affordability of modern metallic and composite materials, timber is still in circulation and a popular choice among homeowners.

Whether it’s a traditional or modern material, what’s important is that you buy a door from a reputable supplier. This is one way to make sure the material is of unquestionable quality and integrity. It’s a great way to ensure the material is sourced or produced responsibly (e.g. the timber material did not come from deforestation or illegal logging).

Here at Complete Doors Sydney, we make sure that our products are of the highest quality and integrity. Also, during installation we ensure perfection so that the door will be securely attached and installed. Contact us today or browse through our selection.